The unique 3D effect of the 3DS console doesn’t really come into play until you hit the game’s dungeons. Several times I was stuck on a puzzle, thinking about it in the old Zelda way - and then, remembering this new ability, I found my solution. This can be used to navigate around obstacles that’d otherwise block him, or move about something in 3D space that the top-down view of the game usually wouldn’t allow. Link’s big new ability is one that allows him to flatten himself down against walls, turning into a 2D drawing. It’s an interesting approach, and one I’m curious to see in action in combat proper. The bar does recharge relatively quickly, but this could be used to add an extra layer of difficulty to combat and puzzles. You can never run out of arrows in the typical sense, but spamming them will drain the meter and leave you unable to do anything until it recharges. Rather than have an arrow or bomb count, for instance, using any special weapon depletes a small meter in the corner of the screen that’s not dissimilar to the typical magic meter. One thing has been notably simplified - the way weapons other than your basic sword can be used. There’s a speed, simplicity and immediacy to movement that I really appreciate.

There’s a speed and snappiness to Link’s movement and combat in this game that feels more satisfying than most other recent efforts in the Zelda series. Link is controlled using the circle pad and buttons, and again, things feel similar to the SNES title this game heavily pulls from.
Link between worlds zelda sneaks out tumblr series#
Those left frustrated by the DS entries in the series will be pleased to hear that the touchscreen has been relegated to merely being used for inventory management and maps, as in Ocarina of Time’s 3D upgrade. We know little about the story of the game at this point, but we at least know that something happens to turn Hyrule's Castle guards against Link once again - something beyond Nintendo merely wanting to tug at our nostalgia! The demo begins outside the very house where ALTTP save games would load you, and the Hyrule Castle soldiers are still hostile across the land as they were then. The visuals aren’t the only things that have a familiar feel about them there’s many of the same enemies lovingly recreated in 3D for the modern era, and most notable of all is how the main overworld of Hyrule follows the same general layout as the SNES title. It feels like a sequel to the SNES title, even if Link still cries vocally with the sound-set of the kid Link from Wind Waker. The old-school tunic design is back, as is the slightly darker colouration of Link’s hair. There’s something vaguely of a Mii about Link’s 3D model in this game, though it also feels a lot like the classic Link, who I think people forget had a markedly different look to the one popularized by Ocarina of Time.

The game takes an interesting approach artistically - where Four Swords Adventures, also set in ALTTP’s world, cribbed its art style from Wind Waker, A Link Between Worlds seems to merge the house style of the SNES classic with the minimalist style we’ve seen a lot from Nintendo since Wii Sports. Now titled A Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, the new title of the game tells you one of the key things you need to know - the two world mechanic pioneered with ALTTP’s Light and Dark worlds is making a return here, with Link once again jumping between the two. However, some of our rival RPG specific sites do cover the series anyway - and when we asked you lot on Twitter if you wanted us to cover them the answer came back as a unanimous yes. Before we start, some housekeeping: We know that the Zelda games aren’t really proper RPGs.